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Tuesday, 22 May 2018 13:18

Check the last OVOMAX newsletter

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The issue number 5 of the Eramus + Ovomax project just has been released. The issue is available in the attached file (see below).

Ovomax project has developed an online vocational training course on design, manufacture and validation of custom-made orthopaedic, oral and cranio-maxillofacial devices.  This project has developed the contents and implemented them on an online free access course to assure Medical Device designers a worthy education and training along their professional career regarding design, manufacture and validation of custom-made medical devices.

Nowadays, surgeons look for medical devices highly adapted to patient’s needs. In some cases, standard implants are not sufficient because of abnormal anatomy or postoperative complications. Fully customization of medical devices enables greater structural, functional and biological compatibility with the patient, enabling longer implant life-time; improved aesthetics, performance and patient comfort leading to improved quality of life; and often enable quicker and less invasive surgical operations; thus demonstrating higher-added value.

OVOMAX project will also be addressed to product engineers and designers aiming to complete their academic and professional education, thus becoming in potential new employees of Medical Device industries.

The e-learning tool resulting from the project will be available online in 4 European languages (English, Spanish, Polish and Hungarian) in order to increase acceptance of the e-learning course. Among others, the e-course will contain production process of custom-made medical devices.

Further information in the Newsletter attached and in OVOMAX website.

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