actualidad on-line del Instituto de Biomecánica ■ IBV on-line news ■ Biomecánica, ciencia que estudia el comportamiento del cuerpo humano y su relación con los productos con que interactúa y el entorno en el que se desenvuelve ■ Biomechanics, the study of the human body's behaviour and its relation to both its surrounding, environment and the products it interacts with ■ Éxito empresarial a través del bienestar de las personas ■ Corporate success through people's wellbeing ■ Cuidamos tu calidad de vida ■ We take care of your quality of life ■ Automoción y medios de transporte ■ Automotive and mass transport sector ■




Temperature control optimization has become increasingly important in today's climate scenario. Thermal comfort is a crucial human factor during the performance of tasks, often insofar as user safety and the prevention of errors and accidents are concerned.  It is a variable that depends on many physical parameters, including the temperature of the air and the regulation of body temperature, as well as sex, age, clothing and other general and local body characteristics.

In order to detect differences in heat maps due to pathologies, skin conditions or joint injuries, the Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) has created a methodology that analyses the body's thermoregulatory response and measures surface temperatures and their evolution. Using a huge infrared database (>300,000 images), models have been trained to estimate such parameters as the user’s sex, age, thermotype and identification all of which facilitate the prediction of thermal discomfort by means of a thermal image. Using contactless technology and artificial intelligence, applications have been implemented in the field of Health and Well-being to help professionals (clinicians, physicians, etc.) to diagnose certain diseases, such as circulatory and vascular problems, the effect of therapies or cosmetic products, or to prevent such risks as heat stroke.


La importancia de optimizar el control de la temperatura ha adquirido gran relevancia en el actual escenario climático. El confort térmico es un factor humano crucial en la realización de tareas, relacionado muchas veces con la seguridad del usuario y la minimización de errores y accidentes.  Es una variable que depende de muchos parámetros físicos, desde la temperatura del aire hasta la regulación de la temperatura corporal, pasando por el género, la edad, la vestimenta y otras características generales y locales del cuerpo. Analizando la respuesta termorreguladora del cuerpo y midiendo las temperaturas superficiales y su evolución, el Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) ha creado una metodología que permite detectar diferencias en mapas térmicos, debidas a patologías, afecciones de la piel o lesiones articulares. A partir de una enorme base de datos de infrarrojos (>300.000 imágenes), se han entrenado modelos para estimar parámetros como el sexo, la edad, el termotipo y la identificación del usuario que facilitan la predicción del disconfort a partir de la imagen térmica. Utilizando tecnología sin contacto e inteligencia artificial, se han implementado aplicaciones en el ámbito de la Salud y el Bienestar para ayudar a los profesionales (clínicos, médicos, etc.) a diagnosticar ciertas enfermedades, como problemas circulatorios y vasculares y el efecto de terapias o productos cosméticos, o prevenir riesgos como golpes de calor.




Developed by the Institute of Biomechanics (IBV), the eyeturf app has been specifically designed to make it easier to efficiently monitor the condition of artificial turf football pitches. It allows the user to easily check the condition of the playing surface of this type of facility - at a very low cost. eyeturf is aimed at maintenance companies in particular and indeed any actor related to these pitches, whether they are a manufacturer, a sports club or a public body. The application integrates the wealth of knowledge and experience that the IBV has accumulated in the area of sports surfaces over more than thirty years.


While new technologies have undoubtedly led to a significant increase in process automation in the industrial sector, certain jobs still involve a high physical workload. Together with the ageing of the working population, this means that solutions such as exoskeletons are becoming more and more common in organizations. Selecting and properly fitting exoskeletons to suit the characteristics of the task and the person in question is key to ensuring that it has a positive effect, both in terms of muscle load and worker acceptance.






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